Border Patrol agents detain two Mexican men and a woman who crossed the Rio Grande River illegally to enter the U.S.
A Border Patrol agent detains a Mexican man and woman who crossed the Rio Grande River illegally to enter the U.S.
A Border Patrol agent hands a Mexican man who crossed the Rio Grande River illegally to enter the U.S. a bag for his possessions.
Mexican men who crossed the Rio Grande River illegally to enter the U.S. remove their boot laces as part as Border Patrol processing.
A Border Patrol agent searches a Mexican man who crossed the Rio Grande River illegally to enter the U.S.
A Border Patrol agent interviews a Mexican man who crossed the Rio Grande River illegally to enter the U.S.
A Border Patrol agent counts dollars held by a Mexican man who crossed the Rio Grande River illegally to enter the U.S.
A Border Patrol agent records the personal information of a Mexican man who crossed the Rio Grande River illegally to enter the U.S.
A Border Patrol agent searches a Mexican man who crossed the Rio Grande River illegally to enter the U.S.
A Border Patrol agent loads a Mexican man who crossed the Rio Grande River illegally to enter the U.S. into a truck to be taken to a processing center.
Texas National Guard soldiers and Border Patrol agents pursue five Mexican men who crossed the Rio Grande River illegally.
A Border Patrol agent pursues five Mexican men who crossed the Rio Grande River illegally.
A member of the Texas National Guard guards five Mexican men who were apprehended after crossing the Rio Grande River illegally.
A Border Patrol agent collects personal items from one of five Mexican men who were apprehended after crossing the Rio Grande River illegally.
A Border Patrol agent writes a receipt for personal items taken from one of five Mexican men who were apprehended after crossing the Rio Grande River illegally.
A Border Patrol agent hands over a receipt for personal items taken from one of five Mexican men who were apprehended after crossing the Rio Grande River illegally.
A Border Patrol agent removes a zip tie from the wrist of one of five Mexican men who were apprehended after crossing the Rio Grande River illegally.
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