A young Honduran family seeking asylum from poverty and gang violence wait at the McAllen, Texas bus station for their bus to go stay with sponsors until their hearing.
Central American migrants seeking asylum from poverty and gang violence line up at the McAllen, Texas bus station to get tickets to go stay with sponsors until their hearings.
A volunteer gives a toy to a young Central American boy, who entered the U.S. illegally by crossing the Rio Grande River with his family, waiting to board a bus to a sponsor to wait for an asylum hearing.
Central American families seeking asylum from poverty and gang violence select donated travel snacks before boarding a bus to go stay with their immigration sponsors.
Two groups of Central American migrants seeking asylum from poverty and gang violence line up at the bus station for buses to go stay with their sponsors.
A Honduran father and son seeking asylum from poverty and gang violence board a bus to go stay with their sponsor while waiting for their Immigration hearing.
A Central American family seeking asylum from poverty and gang violence boards a bus to go stay with their sponsor while waiting for their Immigration hearing.
A young Central American boy migrant who, with his family, is seeking asylum from poverty and gang violence, waits to board a bus to his Immigration hearing sponsor.
Tony Cruz Suazo, 26, and his daughter Ahslin, 4, Honduran migrants seeking asylum from poverty and gang violence, rest at the Catholic Charities Respite Center in McAllen, Texas.
Jenny Pineda and her daughter Allison, Honduran migrants seeking asylum from poverty and gang violence, rest at the Catholic Charities Respite Center in McAllen, Texas.
Hector Silva de Luna, the director of the Senda de Vida shelter in Reynosa, Mexico, leads a group of migrants in prayer.
A young woman Central American migrant carries her lunch to her tent in the Senda de Vida migrant shelter in Reynosa, Mexico.
A young male Honduran migrant seeking asylum in the U.S. checks his phone in the patio area of the Casa del Migrante shelter in Reynosa, Mexico, which is run by Catholic nuns.
Maria Marquez Paz, 46, and her son Cristihan David 13, Honduran migrants seeking asylum in the U.S., stand outside the Good Neighbor Settlement House shelter in Brownsville, Texas.
A group of migrants camp in the Tapachula, Mexico town plaza park while waiting to have their migratory status determined by the National Institute of Migration.
A group of migrants wait outside the office of the National Institute of Migration in Tapachula, Mexico to have their migratory status determined.
A group of migrants wait outside the office of the National Institute of Migration in Tapachula, Mexico to have their migratory status determined.
A young Central American migrant woman waits outside the office of the National Institute of Migration in Tapachula, Mexico to have her migratory status determined.
A group of migrants wait outside the Human Rights Center in Tapachula, Mexico to have their preliminary asylum status determined before going to the National Institute of Migration.
A group of Central American migrants speak with a Federal Police officer at the National Institute of Migration in Tapachula, Mexico.
In Ciudad Hidalgo, Mexico, workers load a raft with bags of dog food to be transported illegally across the Suchiate River to Guatemala in full view of the international bridge.
A rafter illegally transports commercial goods and a woman passenger across the Suchiate River to Guatemala.
Rafters illegally transport commercial goods and passengers across the Suchiate River to Guatemala.
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