Border Patrol agents take young Mexican men who illegally crossed the Rio Grande River before dawn into custody.
A Border Patrol agent collects the belongings of a young Mexican man taken into custody for illegally crossing the Rio Grande River.
A Border Patrol agent takes a young Mexican man who illegally crossed the Rio Grande River into custody.
Border Patrol agents take a group of Central Americans who illegally crossed the Rio Grande River before dawn to seek asylum into custody.
A Border Patrol agent speaks with two young Central American boys who illegally crossed the Rio Grande River before dawn to seek asylum.
A Border Patrol agent speaks with a young Central American woman who, with her sons, illegally crossed the Rio Grande River before dawn to seek asylum.
A young Central American family that illegally crossed the Rio Grande River to seek asylum waits to be taken into custody.
A young Central American woman and her sons who illegally crossed the Rio Grande River to seek asylum wait to be taken into custody.
A Border Patrol agent hands a mask to a Central American boy, who with his family, illegally crossed the Rio Grande River to seek asylum.
Two Central American mothers who illegally crossed the Rio Grande River to seek asylum put masks on their children while being processed by the Border Patrol.
A Border Patrol agent processes a group of unaccompanied Central American minors who illegally crossed the Rio Grande River to seek asylum.
A Border Patrol agent processes a Central American father and son who illegally crossed the Rio Grande River to seek asylum.
A Border Patrol agent speaks with a young Central American girl, who with her mother and sister, illegally crossed the Rio Grande River to seek asylum.
A group of unaccompanied Central American minors who illegally crossed the Rio Grande River to seek asylum remove their shoelaces while being taken into custody by the Border Patrol.
The vaccination record of a Honduran child who illegally crossed the Rio Grande River to seek asylum lies on the ground.
A Border Patrol agent gives candy to a young Central American boy, who with his mother, illegally crossed the Rio Grande River to seek asylum.
A group of Central Americans who illegally crossed the Rio Grande River to seek asylum wait to board a bus to the Border Patrol station.
Young Central Americans who crossed the Rio Grande River illegally to seek asylum drop off their belongings before boarding a bus to the Border Patrol station.
Two Central American women and their children who crossed the Rio Grande River illegally to seek asylum board a bus to take them to the Border Patrol station.
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